Urbane Krishi

Career in Agriculture

There’s more to a career in Agriculture than just being a farmer (although, that is also a very viable career option for those looking to get into the field).

So, if you’re looking to work in Agriculture, but don’t know what careers are available to you (and what you need to study to get them) look no further, as we are here to guide you about top careers in Agriculture and the skills you need to succeed in these roles.

Agriculture careers are professional paths related to farming, cultivation and animal husbandry. These career paths involve everything from growing crops and nurturing the soil to raising livestock or even fisheries. Careers in Agriculture also incorporate manufacturing, marketing and selling the products that result from crops and livestock as well as providing support and assistance throughout the field.

Agriculture jobs require many diverse skill sets. Some of the most common types of Agriculture careers include the Administrative, Engineering, Sales, Labor, Science or Educationist jobs. We guide the young students in choosing the right path, assist entrepreneurs in setting up business in Agriculture sector, meeting the right partners in the field as well as setting-up of Centres of Excellence or Educational Institutions.

Field Jobs

• Farm Manager
• Plant Breeder
• Entomologist
• Plant Pathologist
• Horticulturist
• Agronomist
• Forestry Consultant
• Fisheries Manager
• Soil Science Specialist
• Plant Bio-Technologist
• Landscaping & Ornamental Plants Specialist
• Cold Storage Expert (Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering with minimum 8 years exp.
in the field of Cold Chain & Refrigeration in Horticulture.)

Office Jobs

• Office Executive
• Office Peon/Driver
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